Why these women group undressed in front of the Palace of Courts in Argentina?

In all, 120 women undressed completely in the Plaza de Mayo and in front of the Palace of Courts. The group used the attention-grabbing tactic to demand greater protection for the victims of gender-based violence, which is on the rise in Argentina. According to official figures, so far this year a woman has been unlawfully killed on average once every 25 hours in Argentina.

The women of Latin America are on fire right now with their activism and protest as they fight not only for their rights, but for their very lives. In Argentina, a feminist arts collective demanded that the lives of women be taken seriously. **Warning: Nudity, and if you speak Spanish, there are some harsh statistics about violence against women.**

In response, Argentina’s Fuerza Artística de Choque Comunicativo (F.A.C.C) staged an intense, fierce protest this week in which women threw their naked bodies to the street, highlighting how disregarded women are in their country, and all over Latin America.